Apoyo en el proceso operativo y administrativo en la Subdirección de Normatización y Calidad Ambiental en la gestión integral del recurso hídrico y forestal en la Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Norte y el Oriente Amazónico - CDA, en Inírida – Guainía
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This work aims to support the operational and administrative processes associated with the projects in charge of the Subdirectorate of Standardization and Environmental Quality of the Corporation for Sustainable Development of the North and East Amazon, Inírida - Guainía, begins briefly with the important management made by the Subdirectorate, contextualizing the importance of water resources, forestry and its efficient use with the need for its use with the projects that are in charge of this unit; Subsequently, a normative component is included from the macro to the most specific in order to be able to develop valid and coherent information.
Consequently, activities of follow-up, consolidation, elaboration of offices were generated in order to comply with the obligations, taking into account the approach of control and monitoring of natural resources, exercising environmental authority both in the municipality of Inírida and in the department of Guainía.