Solución al problema de enrutamiento y asignación de longitudes de onda Dinámico (DRWA) en redes de transporte óptico utilizando algoritmos metaheurísticos
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This project approach a current problem in optical transport networks working over wavelength division multiplexing, which for more than a decade with the growing information traffic, has become a design challenge of models to solve it. The problem, named dynamic routing and wavelength assignment (DRWA), born for the necesity of lightpath stablishment for a conection request in a topology formed by nodes and links. Three novel metaheuristic search algorithms bio-inspired by physical laws and animal behaviors are proposed based on numerical optimization models: the gravitational search algorithm (GSA), the whale optimization algorithm (WOA) and the crow search algorithm (CSA); being modified by adding the multiobjective context, an stochastic initial search, and discrete combinatorial operators. All three proposed algorithms are simulated with a dynamic traffic model over real topologies, NTT in Japan and NSFnet in United States. Demostrating hight capability to solve DRWA problem in short convergence times and compared with other models in literature, showing better behavior in terms of blocking probability.