Sensibilización sobre el uso adecuado de los suministros para la disposición, utilización y almacenamiento de residuos generados en Protela S.A
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Protela S.A is a company dedicated to the textile sector that works daily for the reduction in the production of waste, however there are still problems such as the poor disposition or selection of waste, ecological points badly located with too many Canecas and the inappropriate use of the elements with which they store or dispose of such waste and has been a more educational and collaborative topic of the company; for this reason a diagnosis is carried out to evaluate this problem that is being presented in the sections the two plants of both àlamos and dorado (Maintenance and Services, «ramas», «urdidos», «tricot», non-woven, water treatment plant, «tintorería», «calderas», «circulares», towels, spare parts store, «raschel», lace, clothing, crude depot , finishes depot, quality laboratory, yarn quality laboratory, chemical laboratory, stamping ,printing samples, photographed, special finishes, circular, «listadores and collection center of all company waste (quarters(rooms) of by-products and «RESPEL») where there was initially evidence of poor separation of waste and how items or supplies such as excess bag and clean towel are misused in Canecas for ordinary waste or RESPEL. Based on what was found in the diagnosis begins the stage called sensibilization leaders in gestiòn waste. 4 trainings of one hour each for 4 weeks in each plant are produced. Finally Protela S.A has leaders in waste management who are keen to continue working to improve the welfare of the company and especially of the planet.