Formulación de estrategia ambiental para prevenir el maltrato animal, mala tenencia o problemas de convivencia con animales en el municipio de Soacha.
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Cruelty to animals has several consequences such as overpopulation, insalubrity, distrustful and aggressive animals, diseases, violence, psychological damage, environmental impacts, among other factors that need an exhaustive study of observation. This subject to people's behaviors and culture. Thus, domestic animals can serve as vectors for certain environmental and social pathologies. For the formulation of an environmental strategy to prevent and mitigate animal mistreatment, poor animal ownership or problems of coexistence with animals in the municipality of Soacha, it was necessary to identify the social and environmental aspects involved in the action of these bad practices. In this case, the different action profiles of the bad practices that allow characterizing them as animal mistreatment, poor animal ownership or problems of coexistence with animals were identified from a preventive approach in order to generate a solution. With the characterization of the complaints of alleged animal abuse that were received in the period between October 2021 and February 2022, in the Directorate of Bioenvironmental Management and Technical and Agricultural Assistance of the Municipal Mayor's Office of Soacha and with the continuous monitoring of the activities carried out in the different communities and townships of the municipality of Soacha, such as sterilization and sterilization days, The aspects and possible environmental impacts related to animal cruelty in the municipality are analyzed through sterilization, deworming and free vitaminization campaigns, environmental education and awareness campaigns, adoption campaigns and meetings related to animal welfare. The need or affectation is identified during the visits to verify the complaints and characterized according to the aspects obtained and data collected in the field work. The respective technical report is elaborated with which an environmental strategy can be formulated to prevent and mitigate animal abuse, poor animal ownership or problems of coexistence with animals in the municipality of Soacha.