Identificación y predimensionamiento de los drenajes faltantes para las zonas de mayor vulnerabilidad por la incidencia de las precipitaciones en 2 corredores viales piloto, para la incorporación de la gestión del riesgo y la adaptación al cambio climático
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The present work is carried out based on the drainage manual of INVIAS (2009), establishing the development of it in 2 phases: The first phase or pre-feasibility, is oriented to the review and analysis of the cartographic information obtained from the IGAC, climatological information of the stations of the IDEAM, the general hydroclimatological characterization of the afferent zones to the road corridors and everything related to the hydrological study for the determination of peak flows, necessary to elaborate the proposal of design of missing superficial drainages or where they cross the drainages perennial, said proposal is articulated as the second phase or feasibility. Additionally, through the use of the Arcgis software, we sought to visualize and analyze the vulnerability of road corridors.