Análisis técnico de suelos limo arenosos estabilizados con silicato de sodio expuestos a medioambientes agresivos (Agua salina).
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Within the field of civil engineering one of the most common problems in the construction is the finding of soils of low quality, which requires an improvement that modifies the physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil, adding liquid sodium silicate As a stabilizing additive for sandy silt soils found in the savannah of the city of Bogotá, it has allowed to experience significant improvements, as in the resilient module of soils, since with an addition About 20% of sodium silicate is achieved by an increase in resistance of approximately 270% in the worst case. The resented developments in this field have stimulated the need to continue investigating the subject, this research work proposes to analyze samples of soils treated with sodium silicate in the proportions already identified in research Above and expose them to levels of environmental aggression such as humid environments and marine environments, and by means of tests of C.B.R., simple compression and dampening, drying and brushing of compact mixtures, to find a relation of wear and/or durability of this type of stabilization.