Potencial De Captura De Carbono En Bosque Tropical Y Alto Andino En 4 Municipios De La Jurisdicción De Corpochivor
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Andean forests in Colombia have a coverage of 9'861,097ha of 61'246,659 ha corresponding to natural forest coverage, and due to their geographical position they have been affected by different problems such as fragmentation, land use change, Illegal logging and fire, among others. Under the above context, four permanent monitoring plots were established using the methodology proposed by IDEAM (2014) on the national forest inventory in order to estimate the biomass and carbon of the sampled forests, based on the parameters of the monitoring system Of forests and carbon (SMBYC) established in four municipalities of the department of Boyacá under the jurisdiction of CORPOCHIVOR (San Luis de Gaceno, Guayatá, Pachavita and Tibaná) through the use of Field-Map technology as an innovative tool that provides efficiency and greater Precision in the evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative variables, as well as facilitating the collection and formation of databases for the processing of dasometric and ecological data.
The main objective was to evaluate the vegetation to determine the amount of carbon stored through the methodology of the national forest inventory, where the main results show an evaluation of 342 individuals in the four clusters where the minimum carbon storage was 95.5 Tn / ha and one Maximum of 229.6 Tn / ha which represent characteristic values of the carbon dynamics in high Andean secondary forests in Colombia and which form a basis for future studies applied to the payment of environmental services or incentives to communities in Colombia for the conservation of High Andean ecosystems.