Correlación entre los resultados obtenidos del ensayo de CBR de campo y el ensayo de resistencia a la penetración estándar SPT en condiciones normales, en suelos cohesivos localidad de Suba Ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
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The California Bearing Ratio Test (CBR), this was developed by the California Highway Division in 1929 as a way of classifying and assessing the capacity of a soil to be used as a sub-soil. Base or base material in road constructions measures the shear strength of a soil and to be able to evaluate the quality of the ground for subgrade, sub base and pavement base. It is carried out under controlled humidity and density conditions. This is one of the necessary parameters obtained in the geotechnical studies prior to construction, as are the Proctor test and the granulometric analysis of the terrain. This research work is framed in the area of soil mechanics, in relation to the evaluation of field and laboratory tests. This research intends to carry out an information search by means of the correlation between the field CBR tests and the SPT test in order to find the parameters of soil resistance under normal conditions. The aim is to establish a correlation between field CBR and SPT standard penetration resistance tests, in CH type soils, under normal conditions in the town of Suba, Bogotá DC, through the application of numerical and statistical methods. to estimate the resistance of soils. To establish this correlation between the trials, we used the regression method, which consists of two-dimensional distributions that follow a statistical dependence, using point graphs to represent their tendencies. However, these trends may point to a law of functional type that can explain the overall behavior of the distribution. For this, the regression and correlation technique will be used, which is a very useful tool when analyzing the behavior of two or more related variables. This dependence is reflected in a cloud of points that represents the distribution, so that the points of this graph appear condensed in some areas. In such cases it is intended to define a regression equation that serves to relate the two variables of the distribution. Likewise, according to the calculations made, it was determined that it is not 100% reliable to estimate a CBR for CH type cohesive soils. Similarly, information was obtained as a guide and comparative method of studies conducted with the same trend; Among the most outstanding titles are: "Approach to the zoning of the CBR in the town of Chapinero", "Proposal of correlation between geotechnical properties of Triassic age materials in the Betic mountain ranges (Andalusia, Spain)." and "Instruction for the design of the road network of Andalusia, Spain. "