Apoyo en el diagnóstico ambiental para el proyecto de adecuación hidráulica en las quebradas Amoladero y Arteza desarrollado por la empresa de acueducto, alcantarillado y aseo de Zipaquirá E.S.P
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Huge floods are presented in the urban area of the Zipaquirá municipality (Cundinamarca), this is caused due to the pollution of the affluent which becomes even worse with the natural phenomena and the rainy season. For all this, the Aqueduct, Sewage, and Sanitation Company of Zipaquirá (EAAAZ, in Spanish acronym) as an answer for this problem present the development of the hydraulic adaptation in the Arteza and Amoladero falls, this project is planned to be done in a route of approximately 8975 m between the 20th Avenue with 7th Street and the projection of the stream until the junction of the 36th Avenue for the Arteza fall; and, for the Amoladero falls over the via Cogua – Zipaquirá, in front of the “Gimnasio Pedagógico Nuestra Señora de Lourdes” until its river mouth in the Bogotá River. In this document, the characterization of the area of study is presented with the technical specifications for each media (abiotic, biotic, and socio-economic) described for the ANLA and the Environmental Ministry to identify and evaluate the environmental impacts caused for project development, showing the affectation of each one of them, so this way it will be able to hire a company that fulfills with the environmental and engineering expectations presented by the “EAAAZ”