Configuración y pruebas Fat en un Relé Ge Multilin L90 y una Unidad Merging Unit Ge Reason Mu320e para la Protección de Línea en una Subestación Digital
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This report contains the development of the objectives and activities proposed in the internship entitled "CONFIGURATION AND FAT TESTS IN A GE MULTILIN L90 RELAY AND A GE REASON MU320E MERGING UNIT FOR LINE PROTECTION IN A DIGITAL SUBSTATION", which consists of the development of some FAT tests that are performed to two line protections in the context of a digital substation, which is a technological and viable solution that is being adopted in the electrical system to solve problems such as line protection in a digital substation, This is a technological and viable solution that is being adopted in the electrical system to solve problems such as the space of some substations, the increase in load, the reduction in the number of substations, the reduction in the number of substations and the reduction in the number of substations, The proposed solution requires the use of complementary equipment (Merging Unit GE Reason MU320E) to digitize the signals of the yard equipment and a test case (Omicrom CMC 356), and a relay (GE MULTILIN L90) of the General Electric Company will be used for this purpose, Accordingly, a test protocol was defined based on the company's experience in this type of solutions, taking it to an educational context and limited to the scope of this work, going on to the investigation in each of the equipments in order to perform the configuration in each of them, Later the test platform was mounted in the facilities designated by the company complying with all the corresponding security protocols and in which all the connections between the equipment involved were verified either physically or from the communication link, with all this we proceeded to the development of the tests diligenciando each of the items of the protocol defined giving approval or rejection in each of them and ending with the conclusions that this work left me.