Memoria e identidad: propuesta de etnoeducación artística “la bala” danza ritual en el cabildo indígena awa-kwaiker Puerto Caicedo Putumayo
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This work is a contribution, appreciation and support to the AWA shelter located in the department of Putumayo, municipality of Puerto Caicedo, from the field of artistic ethnic education. The paper seeks new ways to teach and instill itself from the consciousness and memory to future generations of the community; to do an educational proposal from dance that allows streamline the process of learning from and identity, memory AWA own people, based on the ritual-dance "La Bala" arises. The development of this work was a process of more than two years of investigation, social work and reflection on the memory of this community, in addition to meeting our knowledge, doings and feelings that allowed link up with the project and are synthesized in this document