Diseño de un Sistema de Generación de Energía Eléctrica a partir de Fuentes de Recurso Eólico (Estudio de Caso)
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The purpose of this study is to show the design of an electric energy generation system which uses the wind power. This design is illustrated through a protocol which demonstrates the environmental impacts associated to each project´s stages, such as design, construction, operation and finally life cycle. These aspects allow doing a clearer and more conscious evaluation of eolian projects. In order to validate the protocol an evaluation in four regions of Colombia (Guajira, Meta, Cesar and Pasto) was made and four aspects were considered, economic, social, environmental and technique. It leads to identify the project´s general impacts. The project’s viability was evaluated in two steps. Firstly, a general description of the situation and characteristics of the region was generated. Secondly, taking these into account a valuation was made. It results in a great viability for the Guajira department since this fulfil all the aspects positively. Regarding the Meta department, three of the aspects produced a good result, however in the economic aspect it is necessary to make a strategy of research and development which takes into account appropriate and efficient technologies which permit to do a better use of the resources. Thirdly, the study suggests that Cesar department has favourable conditions for implementing the wind power as a way of satisfying energy needs. Finally, Tolima department does not fulfil environmental and economic aspects, consequently, the project is not viable for the region, however it is important to make more specific studies in order to identify suitable areas where the impact can be decreased. The protocol established in this study considering a large part of the aspects that might guarantee the conditions for the project´s general operation making this an essential tool for the design and development of eolian projects inside of Colombia.