Diseño e Implementación del Banco de Información Raster Marino Costero del Pacifico Colombiano para el Sistema de Información Geográfica de la Dirección General Marítima
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The main objective of this internship was based on the task of implementing a Raster Information Bank Coastal Marine of the Colombian Pacific, in order to articulate and strengthen the Geographical Information System of the Maritime General Directorate - DIMAR, establishing standards and paramentos Organization of raster Information, such as satellite images, digital metric aerial photographs and LIDAR data, in order to obtain organizaed information to strengthen the control and administration of the Colombian coast. Therefore, this Raster Information Bank from Pacific was made up of more than 230 IGAC ancient images, plus 360 satellite images of different sensors and with different spatial and spectral resolutions, more than 1,780 orthorectified images, more than 25 digital terrain models and Surface, etc., information that was later implemented to the Geographic Information System - SIGDIMAR through the use of Mosaic Dataset and Raster Catalog, so that the personnel of each DIMAR unit had this information available to them.