Estrategia para la protección del humedal de capellanía a través de la participación ciudadana
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This project is a contribution to the solution of different problems related to the deterioration and abandonment of the wetland ecosystems in Bogotá D.C, its application is given in the Capellanía Wetland, located in the locality of Fontibón. An expeditious environmental diagnosis is carried out together with an environmental assessment of the wetland, considering the importance of having knowledge of the current state of the wetland, in order to obtain critical information that allows to highlight the environmental problems and impacts present in the wetland. During the process, entities and individuals associated with environmental protection were identified and some of these were included to incorporate the vision and perspectives of actors involved in community work in the wetland. A strategy of education and articulation is then generated to promote the generation of knowledge of the Capellanía Wetland, its current condition, its importance and how to protect it, aiming at an inclusive process of continuity. There were 4 workshops, 2 with leaders and 2 with other members of the community, which allowed the socialization of the diagnosis and generation of knowledge and proposals related to the education and protection of the Capellanía Wetland, this, recognizing the importance of the Community participation and the fundamental of the generation and appropriation of knowledge from the base of society.