La comunicación como mediador psicológico en el pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes.
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The objective of this paper is to describe the effect of applying project-work in a virtual environment concerning the relation of three sets of skills: critical thinking, autonomy, and communicative competence in language teaching students at a public university of Bogota. This is a qualitative and descriptive research study that observed and described the phenomena taking into account participants’ perspectives and ideas, which helped us to understand better the matter of this study. This descriptive research gathered data from observations, surveys, and artifacts that were collected after applying a video project about COVID-19 and the problems brought by the global pandemic situation. As a result, it was found that critical thinking and autonomy can be reflected while expressing ideas in a foreign language. Thus, showing a process of psychological mediation between the students and their context through communication. Finally, project-work offered the possibility to create engaging learning opportunities that allow fostering additional abilities in students taking advantage of their contexts.