Una propuesta de Inglés como lengua extranjera para promover el desarrollo de habilidades productivas y receptivas en un Colegio Público de Algeciras (Huila-Colombia)


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This study, based on the internship modality, is a pedagogical intervention proposed in a public rural school in Algeciras, Huila. The aim of the internship is to use an active pedagogical methodology (Task-based learning) to teach English to high school students, having in mind the students and the schools’ needs. This work will allow the reader and whoever is interested in this project to see a new perspective from rural areas, since although a study is not carried out with all the institutions, in the school presented here, most of the characteristics are evident in terms of barriers and difficulties to develop a good learning of English. Additionally, the content of this document can motivate many teachers who come to rural institutions or far away from the city, to create projects, strategies and different ways of learning the language, taking advantage of the context and the same social, economic and cultural differences that led to the development and implementation of this internship.


This study, based on the internship modality, is a pedagogical intervention proposed in a public rural school in Algeciras, Huila. The aim of the internship is to use an active pedagogical methodology (Task-based learning) to teach English to high school students, having in mind the students and the schools’ needs. This work will allow the reader and whoever is interested in this project to see a new perspective from rural areas, since although a study is not carried out with all the institutions, in the school presented here, most of the characteristics are evident in terms of barriers and difficulties to develop a good learning of English. Additionally, the content of this document can motivate many teachers who come to rural institutions or far away from the city, to create projects, strategies and different ways of learning the language, taking advantage of the context and the same social, economic and cultural differences that led to the development and implementation of this internship.

Palabras clave

Pasantía, Habilidades, Aprendizaje basado en tareas, Educación rural


Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Inglés - Tesis y disertaciones académicas , Ingles - Enseñanza , Educación rural , Educación secundaria
