Estudio experimental de flujo monofásico en ducto circular horizontal basado en la técnica de velocimetría por imagen de partículas
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In this paper, the collection of investigative and experimental study of the behavior of single-phase flow in a circular horizontal pipeline shown using PIV technology equipment, applying the technique of particle image velocimetry. The experiments are carried out, thanks to mount an annex section of pipe of circular section, 3m in length, the Bancada Studies Fluid MF3 / 09 (PP30) of LETeF Laboratory, which was also adapted equipment PIV . The latter, composed mainly of a pulsed Nd-YAG laser and a high-speed camera CCD type, which are arranged to affect a display box acrylic on both sides to 90 °. These two devices allow identification of tracer particles in the circulating water, faithfully following the flow behavior evident. The fluid is characterized study. The study is limited to a range of Reynolds number, Re, up to 1800 for laminar flow, and 3000-40000 for turbulent flow. Velocity profiles are obtained for different values of Re in the center of the tube cross section. The captured images are then treated in Davis 8.2 software on your computer, using correlations. These data are compared with those calculated by theoretical formulas of fluid dynamics in pipes, for validation.