Aplicación de la metodología FFP como herramienta de actualización catastral en suelo rural de la vereda Pantano de Carlos en el Municipio de Cáqueza, Cundinamarca.
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Land administration determines, registers and disseminates information on the ownership, value and use of land, satisfying social objectives that are supported by public policies and that promote economic development, good governance and social equity. The 'Fit For Purpose' or 'Made for Purpose' methodology is a participatory and inclusive land administration proposal that focuses on identifying the needs of each territory and the type of relationships that people have over it, adapting and acting in favor of guaranteeing the legality of land tenure, as well as its sustainable use to avoid poverty and social inequality. Fit for Purpose arises from the need to have an effective and efficient administration of the land, which resolves conflicts over access, use and ownership. The internship carried out as a degree modality was developed in the company Procalculo Prosis SAS, it is a project through which the Fit For Purpose methodology is applied in the Pantano de Carlos village in the municipality of Cáqueza, Cundinamarca, with the main objective of evaluating the ability to generate physical and legal information on the properties by using a methodology focused on the participation of their owners and/or possessors. In this document, it presents the conceptual bases of the FFP methodology in the context of multipurpose cadastre, as well as the regulations and diagnosis of the study area, detailing the development of its application and discovering quality and performance indicators through the results obtained, which allow understanding the dynamics and limitations present in the path.