Análisis de la presencia de partículas sólidas en suspensión sobre el Río Bogotá generadas por los procesos de las curtiembres, haciendo uso de teledetección, en el Municipio de Villapinzón
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The contamination in water bodies, is generated by several agents, specially those related with industrial production and the wrong management of waste resulting from that processes this is considered as one of the main problems the environment has to face; for that reason this has been an interesting topic for multiple research fields (social, health, environmental…). Bogota river in its upper basin has a critical situation in terms of quality water mainly attributed to tannery process even though this has been monitored by the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (CAR) without constant supervision. In this file there is the total estimation of the parameter of solids suspended in a section of the upper basin of Bogota river, this section belongs to the municipality of Villapinzón, Cundinamarca, generated by applying an empirical model that correlates the value of the reflectance captured with a multispectral camera conditioned to an unmanned air vehicle in the five bands it captures (green, red, blue, red edge and near infrared) and multiple indices applied in the identification of suspended solid matter like NSMI, NDSSI, NDWI and the relation green/blue with the STT values specified in the laboratory in different points of the river by using water taken samples and process by the authors. That estimation, which is supported by statistics, shows the impact of the leather industries developed in the municipality of Villapinzón in this parameter of quality water from Bogota river. Additionally, the making process and validation of an artisanal calibration panel is presented, used as a supportive tool for capturing images with non-metric and low-cost camera.