Formulación del plan de gestión integral de residuos para el Club Militar sede Puente Aranda, Bogotá D.C.
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Since ancient times, man has had problems with the proper management of all waste, especially in these days in which it is one of the greatest challenges imposed by excessive economic growth. In this context, the problem is greater when it comes to so-called hazardous waste, which affects human and animal health in a special way, the environment and its inadequate management entails major public health problems. The aforementioned risks involve the personnel who generate them as well as the personnel who must manipulate them both inside and outside the entity; therefore a plan must be implemented that has sufficient training and training for the proper management, treatment and disposal of waste. The growing increase in waste generation as a result of our current consumption system means that for the management of these must be a good knowledge not only of the characteristics of these, but of current and future trends in their generation, the best technologies available for its treatment and the costs associated with each of the management phases. 1 The General Direction of the Military Club consents to the responsibility with the environment and in compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions has decided to lead the realization of this technical document, first as a concrete action to manage the integral waste management through an instrument guide for each of the services offered by the organization and secondly, as a mechanism to respond to the risk factors that these can generate both workers, guests and visitors as well as the community at large. It is important to note that the development of a program of this nature requires, as a fundamental aspect, the linkage and commitment of all the staff of the Entity, as well as a training program for workers and the public in general, in order to to fulfill the management goals outlined in this document, seeking an eco-efficient management and environmental sustainability of the Entity.