Aplicación de lineamientos del PMBOK 6ta edición en el estudio de prefactibilidad para proyecto de reubicación de viviendas en zona de alto riesgo por inundación y avenidas torrenciales – estudio de caso: Cabrera, Cundinamarca
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The following monograph considers the pre-feasibility study for the relocation of housing in the urban area located in a high-risk area due to flooding and avenues torrential in the municipality of Cabrera, Cundinamarca, implementing the fundamentals and best practices for project management from the Project Management Institute PMI contemplated in the PMBOK 6th edition. To establish the pre-feasibility of the study of case, the diagnosis of the context was made, the technical feasibility was determined and the preliminary budget, of this risk mitigation measure applying the guidelines of the PMBOK in the initiation and planning process groups, especially in the areas knowledge of Scope Management, Stakeholder Management, Schedule Management, Resource management, Risk management and Cost management. As a result, it was obtained that there are currently 84 homes that should be prioritized for a relocation project housing, which can be developed on a property that met the highest rating after the multicriteria evaluation carried out, in the same way a duration of 2 and a half years to execute the project with a preliminary cost of approximately 16 billion pesos which includes activities such as: project management, purchase of land, expansion of aqueduct and sewage networks, construction of vis housing, road infrastructure and public space, demolition of homes at risk and restoration of the relocated space.