Apoyo a estudios topográficos en bases de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
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Within the 17 Military Air Units strategically distributed in Colombia are find the Capitan German Olano Air Base where the Command is located Air Combat N 1 (CACOM 1) which was created ¨during the Colombo-Peruvian Conflict. September 1 1932¨, (Force Aerea Colombiana, 2019), although the properties were acquired by a company commercial in 1919, ¨the first facilities had a short track, traced on the planada of the paddocks of the hacienda. Just over a year later, the structure was raised hangars, the layout of the runway, the concrete platform on the banks of the river¨ (Force Aerea Colombiana, 2019), Base from which aerial images were obtained over a period of 60 years, capturing aerial photographs approximately every 8 years. Bearing in mind that the perimeter of Air Combat Command No. 1 is demarcated by the Magdalena River, it is necessary to establish a comparative analysis, between the adjoining areas by this important tributary, in order to compare the areas between a current survey and each of the aerial photographs captured over a period of 63 years, starting with images from 1948 to 2011, for this it was necessary to request additional information such as the 1:10000 scale plates, this being used as the basis for georeferencing the images, working with cartography of good precision obtained from the Agustín Codazzi geographic institute, guaranteeing the quality of the georeferencing, adapting the guidelines established in table 5 (horizontal accuracy absolute), following the methodology mentioned in the technical specifications for cartography Basic 30-03 of 2017, in chapter 2.4.6 Absolute position accuracy. In addition, support was provided in the preliminary study for a possible expansion and maintenance of the runway of Grupo Aéreo del Oriente (GAORI) located in Marandua, department of Vichada, where field work was carried out collecting information for the topographic analysis. Starting on March 2 until March 20 of the current year, in the DIFRA headquarters where the equipment is collected and the staff meets, to mobilize to the Command Military Transport Air Base - Brigadier General (H) Camilo Daza Air Base (CATAM), where crews a direct support flight to GAORI with an approximate duration of 1 hour of flight.