Dimensionamiento y puesta en marcha de la tecnología de un biodisco a escala piloto para el tratamiento de lixiviados del relleno sanitario ubicado en el Municipio de Cucunubá - Cundinamarca
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The leachates generated in the landfill placed at Cucunubá, Colombia; don't receive some type of treatment, generating a negative impact in the water and soil's quality that contains them. This project sizes a pilot-scale system using rotating biological contactor for the leachate's treatment generated in this landfill. The reactor is composed by a biodiscs based system of 4 stages, adopting a 9 hours TRH recirculating the 40% of the sludge’s obtained. The system started monitoring DQO parameters, nitrates, phosphates, dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature. Obtaining removal efficiency in function to DQO, NO3- and PO43- greater than 70%. Finally, was determined a 3,774 d-1 kinetics coefficient, indicating the constant removal in the RBC system.