Formulación de proyecto de energía solar fotovoltaica para zonas rurales no interconectadas en el municipio de Guateque-Boyacá
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In different isolated areas of the municipality of Guateque in the department of Boyacá, its inhabitants do not have access to the public electricity service, a situation that affects the quality of life of the people who are in these places and at the same time affects development of the municipality and the country, adding to this, currently there is a dependence on conventional sources such as coal, oil and generation through hydroelectric plants that represent a great negative impact on the environment. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the technical, financial and environmental viability of the installation of solar panels in the non-interconnected rural areas of the municipality of Guateque-Boyacá, as an alternative solution to supply the deficit of this service, which according to the census 2018 is 4.8%, which is equivalent to approximately 150 people.For this, a model project will be formulated on the MGA WEB platform which uses the logical framework methodology and consists of four stages: Identification, preparation, evaluation and programming of the alternative , as well as the methodological guides: "Installation of individual solar photovoltaic systems in non-interconnected areas" and "Guiding document of the virtual training module in project theory" issued by the National Planning Department. It is expected that with the development of this work it will be possible to solve the current problem of energy coverage in the municipality and in this way improve the quality of life of the target population, as well as help care for the environment.