Vuelo en área montañosa con vehículo aéreo no tripulado equipado con GNSS L1: análisis de la precisión fotogramétrica
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This monographic research aims to demonstrate that photogrammetric flights can be carried out using remotely unmanned aerial systems (UAS) equipped with a non-metric camera and GNSS L1 sensor over mountainous areas or with high slope contrasts and obtain comparable results in terms of positional accuracy with respect to those carried out in flat areas and on which the scientific literature has shown that they meet the standards of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. The flight made in January 2021 was developed in the urban and peri-urban area of the town of Güicán de la Sierra in Boyacá, a municipality located at 2,850 m.a.s.l. The covered area is 103 hectares, of which 90% have slopes greater than 12%, which means from strongly inclined to strongly steep. It was made one flight and 13 different configurations were made for photogrammetric processing and based on 34 points surveyed with double-frequency GNSS methods, it is shown that two or three points configured as control points (GCP) and the rest like check points are enough to have topographic precision at the highest quality, complying with the IGAC standards (Resolution 471 of 2020) and the Colombian technical standard NTC 6271-2018.