Apoyo al proceso de supervisión de las fases de identificación de usos potenciales del agua y formulación del Plan de Ordenamiento del Recurso Hídrico, PORH de la cuenca del río Blanco-Negro Guayuriba
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The Water Resource Management Plan - PORH is the planning instrument that allows the competent environmental authority to set the destination and use of surface and marine continental water bodies; it establishes the standards, conditions and monitoring program to reach and maintain potential uses, in addition to conserving biological cycles and the normal development of species, in a minimum horizon of ten years. (Min Environment, 2018). As established in Article of Decree 1076 of 2015, the competent environmental authority shall carry out the Water Resource Ordinance in order to classify surface waters, fix in generic form their destination to the different uses and their possibilities of exploitation; In compliance with this, the Corporación Autónoma Regional del Guavio - CORPOGUAVIO and the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca - CAR, within the framework of their joint commission, proceed through an administrative act to declare the ordering of the Blanco-Negro-Guayuriba River basin and its main tributaries that are part of the jurisdictions of the CAR and CORPOGUAVIO. (Convention 1823,2017). In agreement CORPOGUAVIO carries out the formulation of the Plan of Ordination of the Water Resource -PORH for the basin of the White-Black-Guayuriba river and at the same time contracts Integral Planning S.A.S. for the process of consultancies; transversally the CAR Cundinamarca develops the process of supervision of each one of the phases of formulation of the PORH delivered by CORPOGUAVIO. It is the Direction of Management of the Environmental and Territorial Ordinance DGOAT, division of the CAR Cundinamarca in charge of the supervision of the PORH; this activity is carried out taking into account the technical guide for the Ordinance of the Continental and Superficial Water Resource established by the Ministry of Environment in 2018; based on these guidelines it is intended within this project to support this activity, first by recognizing the initial phases that have already been structured, phase 1 declaration of water body management and phase 2 of diagnosis, in order to contextualize the process and give continuity to the support in the following phases of : Identification of the potential uses of water and Formulation of the PORH. Similarly, contribute to the organization and execution of activities within the DGOAT division and perform the functions designated by the external supervisor.