Apoyo a las actividades de la subdirección de planificación de infraestructura del Invias, enfocadas a bases de datos y SIG
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The purpose of this report is to present the experiences and activities carried out during the internship period at Invias (National Institute of Roads). The report will focus on the different tasks and responsibilities performed by the student in training, with a focus on supporting the infrastructure planning Subdirectorate, specifically in the area of Studies and designs and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) of the entity. This was carried out through different activities that were carried out so that the objectives set before the start of the practices could be met. Throughout this report, the problems and different applications that are presented are explained, and how appropriate solutions were provided to these. The knowledge acquired during the development of the activities is detailed and how these led to the presentation of effective solutions. In addition, a broader vision is provided to show how these activities significantly support the achievement of the goals established by the National Highway Institute. To carry out these activities, a deep understanding of several fundamental aspects was required. This included familiarization with the Single Document Inventory Format (FUID) and the Project Control Sheet, understanding the purpose of this and what it represents to carry out this activity, as well as understanding the monitoring matrix of the Subdirectorate and its role, crucial in the area, as well as the updating of accident reports for subsequent loading into the Road Information System application known as "HERMES 2", understanding the purpose or impact that the application seeks to generate and knowing the great contribution that is done with this work. Furthermore, it was essential to understand the operation of the study application called "HERMES", since through this system it was possible to respond to various applications, which is why it was essential to learn how to feed and continually improve this system to ensure the generation of a more solid and reliable consultation system. Finally, time was dedicated to learning how the Intelligent Bridge Management System (SIGP) works, which contributed to the strengthening and development of this application.