Estrategia pedagógica para el reconocimiento y conservación de entomofauna asociada a una huerta urbana de la Localidad de Tunjuelito-Bogotá.
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Over time, insect populations have decreased and are currently at a critical time, especially in highly urbanized cities such as Bogotá, due to their abrupt population growth and increased demand for services. Faced with this problem, the construction of urban gardens and other green spaces have become a strategy to mitigate this environmental impact, however, it is necessary to complement these strategies with environmental education processes. The Chihiza-Ie orchard, located in the town of Tunjuelito, was taken as an environmental classroom in this research, in which the main objective was to design a pedagogical strategy focused on recognizing and generating conservation notions about insects in the city. mainly those associated with urban gardens. For this, a characterization of the perspectives, emotions and previous knowledge regarding different types of insects of the participants was carried out, who were boys and girls homeschooling students whose ages ranged between 04-13 years, later various didactic activities were designed such as tours in the garden, morphological identification of various groups of insects, flower dissection and artistic days. Through the different activities carried out during the process, boys and girls approached the insects living in the garden, which allowed them to identify them and learn about different ways to protect them, in addition, a change of perspectives was achieved in the participants, which at the beginning tended to be negative, changing to positive due to the knowledge acquired about the importance and conservation of insects associated with the garden. This type of research becomes fundamental and its impact is highly positive considering the current panorama, since generating environmental awareness in human communities and mainly in early ages is not only the first step, but one of the most important to generate changes. permanent in the future.