Caracterización florística y estructural en bosques fragmentados del municipio de Gachetá, Cundinamarca habitados por el oso andino (Tremarctos Ornatus)
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In this contribution we aimed to characterize the vegetation of some high Andean forest fragments in the municipality of Gachetá, where they could demonstrate the presence of T. ornatus, from this, the presence, abundance, frequency and species dominance was determined that are part of diet spectacled bear, later to employ the method by Mandujano (1994) in order to categorize the quality of habitat study areas evaluated. The floristic composition of vegetation units Desert, the Carbonera and scrubland in Gachetá municipality, Cundinamarca was attended by 32 families, 54 genera, 77 species and 4057 individuals. The most representative sampling within families were LAURACEAE with genres 7 and 10 species, 6 genera and Melastomataceae with 10 species, ERICACEAE with 5 genera and 7 species. As for structural characterization, forests distribution showed a tendency inverted J concentrating most individuals in the first diametric classes and few individuals in the upper diameter classes. On the other hand Clusia multiflora species, Hedyosmum colombianum and Weinmannia balbisiana recorded the highest value Importance Value Index for the two areas of forest. In addition, from the alpha diversity index he found that the Carbonera area was the most diverse, more equitable, uniform and less dominance among individuals. Finally, the quality index habitat unit (ICUH) showed that the area of the Carbonera got a IUCH MEDIA, that is to say, with better conditions for the food supply of T. ornatus.