Caracterización florística y estructural de diferentes tipos de coberturas forestales derivadas de procesos de manejo y uso durante el periodo 1990-2020 en los Resguardos Indígenas Peñas Rojas y Puerto Naranjo (Solano, Caquetá)
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Due to the high rates of deforestation in the Amazon due to the various transformations resulting from colonization processes, particularly in the department of Caquetá, it is necessary to identify the space-time dynamics of landscape change and how the vegetation has responded to these. For this purpose, the present study performed the interpretation of Landsat images between the years 1990-2020, to determine the changes in coverage within the indigenous reservations of Peñas Rojas and Puerto Naranjo. Finally, in order to describe the current state of the covers, 10 transects were established in each of the identified forest covers (high dense forest of firm land, dense high heterogeneous flooded forest and secondary or transitional vegetation) for the inventory of the vegetation with in order to collect information on the current structure and composition of the different coverages. Among the results obtained, 5 vegetation covers were identified, of which the one that presented losses over time was the high dense forest of firm land and the secondary or transitional vegetation was the one that presented gains. Regarding the floristic characterization, a total of 654 individuals distributed in 105 families, 197 genera and 346 species were registered, this was reflected in the diversity index estimated for the three coverages showing high levels of diversity, the coverage with the highest values it is the high dense forest of firm land, followed by the dense high heterogeneous flooded forest and finally the secondary or transitional vegetation. The most important families and species were Myristicaceae (Virola cf. obovata), Fabaceae (Zygia inaequalis) and Melastomataceae (Bellucia pentamera). Thanks to the accompaniment of the community, it was possible to identify that the establishment of chagras and the contexts of violence are the activities that present some incidence in the coverage. It was concluded that the areas of dense forest that have been maintained over time, has been because they are areas with cultural importance for the communities, likewise they are the forests that present a greater diversity, it was also identified that despite When classifying the covers in some of the categories, it is possible to see that in some they share floristic and structural features, this is explained by the recovery times of each one.