Manual para la presentación de Informes de Cumplimiento Ambiental (ICA) de los prestadores de servicio de energía - AOM en zonas no interconectadas - ZNI
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Given the importance of having control and surveillance of the activities and measures (PMA) established by the AOM companies, there is a need to apply the environmental compliance reports - ICA, they are tools used in order to report on the progress , effectiveness and compliance with the environmental management programs that make up the PMA, as well as the results of the monitoring program and that in turn this tool serves as a guide for the presentation of reports and adequate compliance with environmental regulations. The Institute for Planning and Promotion of Energy Solutions for Non-Interconnected Areas - IPSE, in its search for compliance with environmental regulations, through prevention, mitigation, control and monitoring, wishes to implement a guide for environmental compliance reports -ICA. Five phases were implemented to meet this objective, where in the first phase the identification of 43 aspects and 53 impacts was carried out, which were evaluated using the Conesa methodology for calculating impacts, where it was identified that one of the most significant impacts is waste generation, RESPEL, WEEE, special, solid for the IPSE in the non-interconnected ZNI areas, once the identification and assessment of impacts in the second phase was carried out, the design of some management, follow-up and monitoring files was carried out, which would allow operators the ease of completion including everything established in the terms of reference (ToR 15), the third phase carried out was the implementation of some strategies and tools, based on the ICA formats, an analysis was carried out where 4 of these formats were chosen as the object of application , in the 5th phase, based on the activities carried out in the operation and maintenance, some checklists were designed for compliance, control and surveillance of the same, finally phase 4 was carried out, the guide for the preparation of environmental compliance reports where the previously mentioned phases were taken as a reference and in the form of a diagram the step by step to reach the ICAs. Reports as an implementation strategy for projects in non-interconnected ZNI areas are a good tool since they allow verification of compliance with environmental management plans.