Caracterización de un acero de bajo carbono SAE 1045 con recubrimiento de películas delgadas DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) por medio de la técnica de plasma PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition), estudiando las propiedades mecánicas de sustratos con 1, 2 y 3 capas respectivamente
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In the work presented below, the results that are obtained when growing 1, 2 and 3 layers of thin DLC films on an SAE 1045 steel substrate using the PECVD plasma technique with additional cathode. In the different depositions, the parameters were constant, the acetylene gas flow was 30sccm with a polarization voltage of 800V. Raman Spectroscopy analyzes, Nanoindentation, Scanning Electron Microscopy (FEG) and Coefficient of Friction were necessary for the characterization and study of DLC movies as well as the profilometry test to find the roughness value RA and its variation according to the different number of layers. The established parameters were based on the PhD doctoral thesis. Marco Antonio Ramírez Ramos “Properties and scale parameters of DLC films deposited on aço ferramenta using modified PECVD system with additional cathode ”. Is The research was carried out in Brazil since Colombia still does not have the necessary technology. Work was carried out mainly in the laboratories of the National Institute of Pesquisas Espaciais de Brasil (INPE) and Univap - Universidade do Vale do Paraíba in São José dos Campos Brazil had the advice and supervision of Doctor Marco, from Likewise, it worked together with the University of São Paulo USP.