Incidencia de la Historicidad en la Formación Pedagógica de los Docentes de Matemáticas sobre la Realización de la Política Educativa para el Area de Matemáticas.
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This research addresses the impact of historicity in the pedagogical training of mathematics teachers on the implementation of education policy for the area. Symbolizes a tour around the analysis of the events of teacher training includes both conceptual contributions as significant experiences of the educational community object of the research process.
Its purpose is to scrutinize the methods of teaching mathematics that allow unraveling of the life experience of educational work an understanding of the influence of the historicity of the teacher in his position on the development of educational policies and establish a position against it that underlies what we call classroom management.
This work is based on a conceptual approach about the approach the problem as a field in which the research process develops. Then it presents the proposals made from the current questions about what the role of the teacher of mathematics and a more accurate educational policies in the area as a place for research of teacher training analysis, proposes the challenge of thinking them from proposals issued by the same actors in the process, raising some methodological guidelines in order to promote lifelong study of subjects whose knowledge increases the autonomy of educators. The following chapters deal with the research process and corpus methodology, nurtured by the school mapping and own components of classroom management, addressing careful observation process, supported by the interview of the different actors: teachers, students and executives context chosen for research.
Finally, it gives space for problematization through the findings, proposed elements for further research regarding teacher training processes.