Cálculo de la huella de carbono en la sede de la 40 de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
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Was obtained that the headquarters of the UDFJC 40 presents for the time established for the calculation of the carbon footprint (november 2014- 2015 september) a generation of 290300,7242 Kg CO2 CO2 carbon dioxide, equivalent to 290,300 Ton C02 scope 2 (electricity consumption) being the most representative with 84,06% due to bad habits in terms of saving and efficient use of energy and the little awareness against this problem and the less CO2 generation 1 scope with 3.12% being at least but not insignificant use of air conditioning followed by consumption of natural gas in the preparation of food from the food aid. Data obtained demonstrate the difficulties that presents the head of 40 of the UDFJC as an institution of higher education in the Capital District in the environmental commitment, so are formulated proposals which contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gases