Comparación del valor del suelo de un predio rural, entre su uso actual ecoturístico: camping y su uso agropecuario con potencial agrícola: café o caña panelera. Estudio de caso: El Cairo, Nimaima - Cundinamarca
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The sudden increase in the use and / or exploitation of ecotourism in rural property in Colombia leads to the realization of this research project, which proposes to give an initial explanation to this phenomenon and to inspire future projects that determine the scope of these properties at the municipal level and even at the national level.
Determining the value of a commercial appraisal of a property subject to different conditions or uses is important since it can represent differential income to the owner at the time of a real estate transaction or in some process where the property is involved.
Similarly, the best and greatest use of the property leads to a higher market value, however, in Colombia the value of the rural properties is determined by the biomass production capacity, that is, the faculty that has the soil of generating food that serves as consumer products or basic inputs for the elaboration of other resources; But as the growth of new forms of exploitation is so evident, it is inevitable not to take into account other points of view with which rural properties acquire value, although they do not generate products or inputs if they provide tourism services focused on the environment that have taken relevance in the last decade due to the abuse of the human being.