Análisis del funcionamiento de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca-CAR en los procesos permisivos y sancionatorios de autoridad ambiental enfocados hacia la gestión de recursos hídrico, flora y fauna
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The Autonomous Regional Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR) is the environmental authority responsible for regulating and controlling the management of natural resources at national level, in the case of the Tequendama Region, this covers the municipalities of Tena, Anapoima, Anolaima, Apulo, Cachipay, El Colegio, Quipile, San Antonio, Viotá and La Mesa Cundinamarca which are strategic municipalities for biodiversity conservation in the Department as it has different species of flora of very special category in the region, also important species mainly of birds that like Corporation must be protected and finally important water sources such as streams, beds, lagoons, among others that are essential for the sustainability of this region of the Department. This study focuses on the analysis of the functioning of the CAR in permissive and sanctioning processes related to the management of water resources, flora and fauna in the Tequendama Region. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the CAR in preventing and punishing activities that could put at risk the natural resources of the region, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the entity in its environmental protection work. To this end, a detailed analysis of the permissive and punitive processes of the ARC will be carried out in order to propose possible improvements that contribute to a more efficient and sustainable management of natural resources in the Tequendama region. This will be accompanied by visits and technical reports during the months of May, June, July and August. With the results obtained, it is expected to conduct an analysis of the different processes carried out by the Corporation as an environmental authority and contribute to the protection and conservation of biodiversity and water resources in the region, and sustainable environmental management in Colombia.