Composición de odonatos (Insecta:Odonata) de la vereda Buenavista, Coyaima-Tolima
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The Odonatofauna in Colombia is represented by 434 species that correspond to 7.2% of this fauna worldwide, however, being a little studied group, these data do not represent their real diversity in the country. In this study, the composition of odonates in the Buenavista village (Coyaima-Tolima), in three areas with different aquatic environments corresponding to lentic and lotic water bodies, was estimated through active entomological red capture. Shannon diversity, Dominance of Simpson, Equality of Pielou, Effective numbers were estimated and the rarefaction, similarity or dissimilarity curve was calculated. Principal Component Analysis (ACP) and Multiple Correspondences (ACM) were performed. 147 adults were registered, distributed in 4 families, 14 genera and 24 species, with a sampling efficiency of 91%. The aquatic environments studied, medium-low Shannon diversity, high equity and low dominance, being the first and second highest in the lotic aquatic environment (H: 2.47 and J: 0.91), characterized by being a river with abundant riparian vegetation, where the zygoptera are more abundant, since they have a dense vegetation cover to carry out thermoregulation processes. The ACP indicate that the species Perithemis mooma, Orthemis discolor, Pantala flavescens and Ishnura ramburi, prefer lentic environments and the species Argia oculata, Argia translata and Hetaerina occisa are associated with lotic systems. As for the time of the activity, the ACP and ACM, according to Hetaerina occisa, have a higher peak of activity in the morning hours (9 am), while Pantala flavescens, in the afternoon between 3 to 5 pm, no, the Most species have more activity between 10:30 am and 2:30 pm. The results of this research will contribute to the ecological study and conservation of the habitat of the odonates in Colombia.