Software Migrador de Scripts .SQL Oracle para Bases de Datos SQLServer en la Empresa Expinn Technology
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This document focuses on the analysis, development and implementation of a migrant software of scripts .SQL in the enterprise Expinn Technology, Which searches to process and generate structures of database engine Oracle to SQLServer. During the course of the document the most important elements are exposed that allow the conceptualization, design and development of the project, Addressing crucial topics as the architecture of development, the programming language , the technology and the methodology of work. The beginning is creating three module for develop the project: The first module is focused on the dynamic load of .SQL scripts and the read of code that it contains, in addition and internally the code is formatted for further processing. The second module is focused on the processing of the structures previously analyzed, for this it is fundamentally require the selected technology, since this will help in the generation of code. The third module is focused on the generation of a .SQL file as a result of processing the initially loaded file, and that it is run for the SQL Server engine.