Procesos valuatorios en la producción de información predial para el cálculo del índice de valoración predial para las ciudades de Medellín, Cartagena, Pereira y Montería, bajo condiciones de Covid 19 y en el avance de actividades sancionatorias del Juzgado 002 del Circuito Civil Especializado en Restitución de Tierras de Antioquia
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This degree job made in internship modality titled: “Appraisal processes in the production of property information for the calculation of Valuation of Property Index for Medellín, Cartagena, Pereira y Monteria, under conditions of COVID 19 and the advance of punitive activities of the Court 002 of Civil Circuit specialized in Land Restitution for Antioquia”. This job consisted in the support of two projects framed in the IGAC’S missional objectives, which are the realization of Valuation of Property Index for 22 principal cities in the country, except for Bogotá, in which are Cartagena, Medellín, Pereira y Monteria and the execution of valuation processes framed in the agreement made between IGAC and the Court 002 of Civil Circuit specialized in Land Restitution for Antioquia. Worth nothing that IVP project in made between National Statistics Administration Department (DANE). For this project we made a support and technical support identification, individualization and georeferencing of real estate market offers, and so for the sample of properties the DANE determined for each city. These real estate offers were taken from real state web portals or for the professional in charge of IVP for each city. This real estate market information and related with the property sample worked as a supply for the determination of squared meter value destined for housing in Medellín, Cartagena, Pereira y Monteria.
Subsequent to the determination of squared meter value destined for housing we support the professional in the creation of Similar Value Zones, in which the behavior of values is uniform, marking out especial characteristics such as location of sample points and real state offers, and the actual uses that every generated zone has; being the layout a final product for this process. Later the professional with the internship members develop a context inform explaining the Variation of this values for each similar value zone regards to validity oh IVP for 2020, marking out the causes those especial economic dynamics may have because of the pandemic COVID 19.
The second project is the support in preparation of physical and legal information of the properties to be return and sentence by the Court 0001 specialized in land restitution of Antioquia. This preparation for this information allowed the professional to determine the property commercial value which works as a supply for the physical restitution, money compensation or relocation to a property with similar value and physical characteristics of the stripped of property. The development of this task allows the correct compensation, restitution, repair, and no repetition of the violence that on behalf of armored conflict the habitants of Antioquia suffered.