Sistema integrado de monitoreo y alimentación para tilapia
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In Colombia for its water wealth has great potential in aquaculture farming, but due to lack of knowledge and little control processes that make the competent bodies of the factors that affect this activity, they generate little profit to its growers and great difficulty do it. This article describes the development of a programmable power supply, which has an oxygen sensor company Atas Scientific called Dissolved Oxygen Kit and a sensor probe type temperature called DS18B20, who are responsible for getting their values to send to a microcontroller CY8CKIT-059 PSoC® 5LP Prototyping Kit which transfers via a Zigbee module to a computer, it has a graphical interface developed in Python which stores and organizes all the data collected by the sensors as both the user interface that takes care of sending the micro controller 3 hours in which the user wants to feed the fish and organizes all the information from a database that users can consult