Diseño e implementación de protocolos para la evaluación de la rehabilitación de dos Puma Concolor en condiciones de cautiverio en el Centro de Recepción del CEA (Mocoa: Putumayo)
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Corpoamazonia is located in the village of San Carlos, 8 km from Mocoa, capital of the department of Putumayo. The Amazon Experimental Center (CEA) was created in 1986. Among its programs is the "Wild Animal Reception and Recovery Center" ( CREAS), where the reception, medical assessment and quarantine of specimens recently captured and/or confiscated due to illegal trafficking are provided, for their possible relocation to rehabilitation centers or for release into their natural habitat (Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the South of the Amazon [Corpoamazonia], 2021); In 2020, the new Putumayo Scientific Station (ECP) was created in alliance with the High Mountain Biodiversity research group of the Francisco José Caldas District University (UDFJC), which aims to establish scientific research processes, fauna management wildlife for conservation, the development of environmental education programs and monitoring the biodiversity of the Andean-Amazon region (UD News Agency, 2020). Colombia has six native species of wild felids, among them is the Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771), it is the second largest feline in Colombia after the jaguar (Panthera onca) (Payán and Soto, 2012), it is known as mountain lion , puma or red lion, belongs to the Carnivora order and Felidae family (Currier, 1983), it is native to America, it is distributed from Canada to Chile; in Colombia it is found from 0 masl to 4,500 masl (Rubio et al., 1998), it is characterized by being territorial, solitary and of crepuscular activity, it is a generalist carnivore and its habitat is dense and open vegetation, according to the habit of their prey (Estrada, 2008).