Implementación de un Sistema de Información Geográfica en los Municipios de Influencia del Proyecto de Hidroitunago como Apoyo al Ejército Nacional en la Toma de Decisiones
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The Ituango Hydroelectric Project is located in the northwest of the Antioquia department, about 170 kilometers from the city of Medellín. Occupation of the municipalities of Ituango and Briceño, where the main works, and of Buriticá, Peque, Liborina, Sabanalarga, Toledo, Valdivia and Tarazá that contribute land for the different works of the project. In these municipalities present some social problems such as illegal mining, they believe illicit, social organizations, presence of armed groups, and others; the which have been present before the start of the project. According to one of the fundamental axes of the Colombian State is power provide security and the development of social aspects within the community, so it is necessary to act on this, knowing the background of the problematic and its possible consequences. In the National Army of Colombia it is very important to have organized this data from this region, in order to obtain a summary of the conditions of this area, with its different factors that influence social development and thus be able to generate the various related actions that vary the improvement of this zone For this it is intended to make and adapt an Information System Geographic where this information is clearly shown, in a way spatial which is of great importance for the action of the institution and the Colombian State, and where it met the following objectives such as to determine the information required to generate the analysis of the factors that affected to the municipalities of the department of Antioquia, generate the cartography necessary to visualize the social context in the municipalities, which serves as tool in decision making by the National Army and perform the analysis of the results that were frequent through research and mapping