Apoyo en la caracterización del componente de la flora para la formulación del PGOF de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca – CAR
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Forest management is a systematic and planned process that involves the management and use of forests in a sustainable manner, based on this criterion the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca - CAR as the entity in charge of the management of forest cover of its territory, establishes in its Four-Year Action Plan (PAC) 2020 -2023 as an objective the formulation and adoption of the Forest Management Plan POF, in response to this the process of formulation of the POF for six of the fourteen Regional Directorates that compose it is initiated, being these: Sumapaz, Río Negro, Chiquinquira, Bogotá and La Calera, Alto Magdalena and Magdalena Centro, the present work focuses on supporting the characterization of the biotic component (flora) for each of them taking as methodological reference the "Guia de Ordenación Forestal Integral y Sostenible" resulting in their respective biotic characterizations (flora), determination, characterization and evaluation of five indicators focused on the flora element that become an input for decision making in the assignment of categories to the Forest Management Administrative Units (UAOD).