La contraconducta cómo herramienta analítica en la producción y constitución de sujetos políticos
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This research took into account the way of the discursive and non-discursive practices. It allows hegemonic discourses connect with the ways in which the subjects enunciate, reproduce and operate through them. Thus, the discursive and non-discursive practices are identifiable in public education policies, where specific forms related to knowledge and power in educational institutions are established. In this way, the school government in the “Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt” school, establishes specific behaviors that require modes, techniques and concrete ways that students should behave, act and develop their political skills, creating specific channels n which the flow and political ability of students is conducted in relation to the type of political association is imposed. In fact, in “Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt” school, provides behavioral regimens, ways in which the imposed produces standards, behavioral patterns, discipline interiorizations, accompanied by a whole cluster of subjects, materials and transversal knowledge (regarding curriculum in areas such as democracy, history, political science, etc.), which support power relations and hence knowledge relations. There, governmentality as a concept emerges and as a tool of analysis of the forms of behavioral patterns established and coercive through the school government. Also, it allows to provide a political and ethical reflection in students, to help creating and recreating other ways that own Governmentality and been subjected to reflective criteria students dare to put into question the discursive practices leading school government, creating a contrast related between the power of fasteners and power relations established by the institutions, and freedom as a combat strategic aspect, in which the counter-conduct student concept emerges. To this extent, students from the school as subjects, are located in a space and possible field, consisting of relations of power and strength, in which resistance to governmentality school emerges as a strategic possibility and adjustment of these relations of power. The previous point of view, allows for the notion of counter-conduct as an analytical tool to visible mode, mechanisms and fastening techniques and production of certain types of ontologies in school, but also counter-conduct as a possibility of freedom, which transcends production of subjects (students adopting counter-count through school government as a discursive practice and non-discursive) and evidence the modes that face, diverted, modify or subverted them , from the production of political subjectivities to the constitution of the same in the educational scenario.