Factores determinantes de la sostenibilidad del aviturismo en áreas protegidas priorizadas de Risaralda: análisis bajo enfoque de cadena de valor.
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This document gives account of a research carried out during 2015 in two prioritized nature public reserves: the PNN Tatama-cerro Montezuma and the DMI Agualinda reserve at the Departamento de Risaralda. Under a value chain approach, this study tries to understand how stakeholders are organized in order to provide touristic services to avitourists and which alternatives would allow a better distribution of the economic, social and environmental benefits associated with this practice. The study shows three facts: 1.The local stakeholders of the region, were unable to distinguish avitourism as a productive and commercial activity according with governmental definitions; 2. There´s differences on the way of each avitourism chain had been developed; causes of these differences came from the origin of this activity at the bottom of each community and also by the role played by the institutions that works as chain supporter on these territories. In spite of these differences, some of improvement approaches can be useful to enhance both chains as well and 3. Quantitative analysis for selecting chains is a useful tool for getting a better understanding of territories.