Pasantía Estudio Estructural para el Seguimiento de Movimiento en Masa de la Zona de Alto Riesgo del Sector de Altos de la Estancia de la Localidad de Ciudad Bolívar.
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The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas - Technological Faculty, located in the 19th city of Ciudad Bolívar, seeks to be part of the community through academia and research; That is why, in conjunction with the IDIGER and the group that belongs to the curricular project of technology in civil construction and civil engineering, UDIC (Interventory and Consulting Group of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas), develop through the interinstitutional cooperation agreement N ° 430 of 2016 the structural monitoring for the monitoring of mass movement of the zone of high risk of the sector of Altos de la Estancia. The polygon Altos de la estancia with an area of 78.3 hectares which were declared protection ground by the risk generated by the phenomenon of mass removal in 2010, which has been classified as one of the largest phenomena in an Area Urban in Latin America, affecting 16 neighborhoods and permanently evicting the inhabitants that were within what today forms part of the polygon. During the first half of 2017 the UDIC group has led a series of structural monitoring campaigns which seek to collect information relevant to the risk assessment of homes around the polygon area.