Lodos generados en planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales el salitre Bogotá, como insumo para la producción de compost
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At present, the use of organic fertilizers in Colombia has a participation only of 2% within the national market. However, the properties of this type of fertilizer over Crops are quite generous and beneficial when used in crops. Among the benefits of organic fertilizers are found to improve biological activity of soil, especially with those organisms that convert organic matter into nutrients available for crops; improves soil capacity for absorption and retention of humidity; increases the porosity of soils, which facilitates root growth of crops improves the catatonic exchange capacity of the soil, helping to release nutrients for the plants; facilitates soil tillage; In its preparation, local materials are used, reducing its cost; their nutrients stay longer in the soil; They are friendly with the environment because its ingredients are natural; increases the content of organic matter of the soil and best of all, they are cheaper. On the other hand, the volumes of sludge generated within the PTARSALITRE plant amount to a daily quantity of 1163 m3, which are transported daily to authorized dumps, without taking advantage of its potential characteristic for use as an input in the production of organic fertilizer and generating problems of treatment of said material inside the dumps. This document presents an option for the production of organic fertilizer, taking as input the sludge generated in the Salitre Wastewater Treatment Plant, Bogotá.