Dsarrollo de un aplicativo android para controlar un robot móvil tipo lego, medidor de distancias.
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This document is intended to describe in detail the process of developing an application that can be installed in any electronic device that support Android, especially on mobile devices; He became so, first pointing to respond to the constant evolution of technologies and the need for modern society to control all mobile devices, second to provide theoretical and practical precedents ControlAndroid-Robot system in the research group of Robotics Autonomous Mobile (ROME) of the University Francisco José de Caldas and third, to facilitate the user remote operation of a small mobile robot LEGO rangefinder on flat surfaces of a controlled environment, which receives orders and sends data via Bluetooth communication . The Robot was implemented with LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 technology and programmed in LabVIEW platform. The application was developed with a free software called MIT App Inventor that specializes in creating Android applications.