Resignificando al Rap como Narrativa Artística: Una Aproximación a la Construcción de Memoria, Lenguaje Metafórico y Estética en las Canciones de Cejaz Negraz
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Hip hop studies and their link to education can be traced back to the late 90’s in countries like Spain and the United States. However, most of the research has been done from specific disciplines such as linguistics and history, focusing on the analysis of discourse and the origins of rap. Thus, this research is framed within cultural studies, since they are the tool that allowed for an interdisciplinary dialogue that implied discourse studies, aesthetical analysis and pedagogy. Hence, this research not only puts forward an interpretation of a corpus of Cejaz Negraz’s songs, his life and his context, but it also describes the way in which rap resignifies itself. This research’s results describe how the artist creates a sculpture of himself, how he creates a metaphoric language and how he builds memory; they also describe how rap can become a pedagogical tool, and how memory can be created through metaphoric language. Finally, this research sheds light on the relevance of rap, not only for the young who listen to it, but also regarding its contributions to the school environment.