Evaluación Preliminar de la Producción de Pleurotus Pulmonarius en Vainas De Frijol (Phaseolus Vulgaris), Vainas de Arveja (Pisum Sativa) Y Tamo de Retamo Espinoso (Ulex Europaeus) Como Sustratos Orgánicos
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Conducted a preliminary evaluation of Pleurotus pulmonarius to determine the plant residue on which this fungus produces better growth and development. The substrates tested were agroindustrials wastes obtained from the central supply in Bogotá and (pods of peas and beans), in the hills of the city thorny Retamo, control substrate and having as sawdust and shavings Urapán provided by a local sawmill. The substrates tested were packed in bags of 2 Kg volume of substrate mixture, of which 30% was the agroindustrials residue. The night before they were soaked in lime to appease the activity of organic matter from the pods of peas and beans, to reduce pollution levels. They were pasteurized at 80 ° C and inoculated with 40g of seeds Pleurotus pulmonarius each bag purchased in Champingfung. 2 sowings were performed with 5 treatments and 15 repetitions each. The weight for each crop planting and in the different treatments was evaluated fruiting time for the first harvest in both crops, the treatment has better performance on the weight and time for planting is determined; the influence of temperature and relative humidity on the weight in two crops and finally protocol cultivation of edible mushrooms on a domestic scale set from the results obtained for P. pulmonarius. Finally, the best substrate for the growth and development of Pleurotus pulmonarius was the pods of peas, because it presented a number of viable bags similar between sowing 1 and 2, the total growth period until the first harvest was between 40 and 43 days for both crops and in weight for the first planting was 1,074.007 grams and second planting 2582.180 grams because in the second environmental conditions were better and promoted better development, considering thus a suitable and efficient for mushroom cultivation substrate.